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Profil von LadyAmy75 aus Berlin



  • Alter: 42
  • Ort: Berlin
  • Sternzeichen:
I'm Amelia, a mixed American expert here in Berlin with a very positive and optimistic outlook on life, for me, the glass is always half full! I'm a humorous person, so let me tell you, laughing is good for the heart and the mind! I am a sometimes adventurous female who also enjoys quiet down time. I am looking for someone who shares the desire to be both adventurous and laid back. My preference is to meet an Alpha by the day but submissive in the night kind of Caucasian man who is in need of some adult relaxation and want to have safe open adult kinky fun and treat ourselves discreetly. I think romance is a form of art! People who know me say that I'm responsible, you can always count on me to be there. Lots of people say they're fun-loving, but with me, I go the extra mile to prove it! I have an open mind. I really want to find someone I can see at least once a week for long term relationship adult fun that may lead to something serious. I shall become your addiction. You will desire ME and only ME for the most sensual, delicious and intoxicating erotic experience.
Suchst Du einen Flirt, eine Affäre oder ein erotisches Abenteuer? Suchst Du einen Flirt, eine Affäre oder ein erotisches Abenteuer?

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